July 12, 2019 - Detroit - Convention Chair Larry and Sue have announced that the hotel is ready to confirm your dates of stay and take your credit card for room guarantee. Please read this document for instructions. Thank you!! April 24, 2019 - St. Louis - The Blueliners remind us that they are supporting and we can support the 3rd Annual Beth (Berger) Memory Weekend. See the Facebook link for more info.
April 15, 2019 - Philadelphia - From their latest The Puck: Our board and members would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who in one way or another sent condolence messages on the passing of our long time and lifetime member Evelyn Gross. The next edition of our newsletter will be solely dedicated to Evelyn. If you have a particular memory or photo of Evelyn that you would like to share with us please e-mail our editor Randee Rubin at [email protected].
February 27, 2019 - Philadelphia - The Philadelphia Flyers Fan Club was saddened to announce the passing of long time member and NHLBC Convention attendee and prior NHLBCC Chair Evelyn Gross. See a tribute on their website: www.flyersfanclub.org/
February 1, 2019 - St. Louis - The Blueliners have began taking orders for the 2019 Camp Shirt. Remember all orders go directly them. Link is on the Current Convention page. August 11, 2018 - King of Prussia, Pennsylvania- At the Delegates Meeting today, the New York Rangers Fan Club was officially awarded the 2020 NHLBCC. This will be the 50th NHLBCC.
August 11, 2018 - King of Prussia, Pennsylvania- At the Delegates Meeting today, the Detroit Red Wing For’Em Club was officially awarded the 2019 NHLBCC. They will be hosting in Savannah, Georgia. The package will be up shortly.